Monday, August 22, 2011

"fewer soggy chicken nuggets"

While farmers' markets are expanding, the use of fresh and local foods is increasing in the school lunch programs:
Franklin decided to revamp its food program by bringing in help. 
In June, the school system awarded its dining contract to Whitsons Culinary Group, a company that works with public and private schools to improve menus and promote healthy eating. 
School Committee member Bill Glynn, who led a nutrition subcommittee while the school was evaluating potential candidates, said at a June meeting that the change was to address the state's ever-evolving nutrition standards, according to school committee minutes. 
Kevin Silivia, an area training manager for Whitsons, said the company is training cafeteria employees to cook a variety of foods using fresh ingredients. 
"I think we are on the cutting edge, starting to develop programs that make food nutritious and fun for kids," Silivia said. "We develop our concepts around that ideal."
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