Friday, November 8, 2013

Turkey meal distribution

With the holidays approaching, the Franklin Food Pantry held its annual distribution of turkey dinners on Wednesday evening.
Two hundred dinners were put together and handed out to registered members of the food pantry. All registered members are residents of Franklin who are chosen through an application process.
volunteers happy and ready to distribute the meal kits
volunteers ready to distribute the meal kits
The dinners included a frozen turkey and all the side items such as cranberry sauce, vegetables, stuffing and more. All items are donated by the community with the help of the Franklin Interfaith Council while volunteers put together all the bags. The turkey's come from the Greater Boston Food Bank and are handed out from the back of a Garelick Farm's refrigerated truck.
"Everyone is very supportive in getting the bags put together," says Linda Sottile, Director of Operations at the Food Pantry, who helps oversee the collecting and packaging of the items and bags.
Sottile works alongside Erin Lynch, Director of Development at the Food Pantry, to make the distribution possible. Thanksgiving is the first of two dinner distributions with the second one happening early in December.

Lynch says the Food Pantry is always thankful for any donation made to make these events possible, "We're very grateful to the community."