Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Delivering Idahoan Potatoes for Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Franklin's Interfaith Council of Churches helps the Food Pantry prepare the Thanksgiving meal food bags. Each of the twelve participating churches takes an item to prepare for the meal. The collaboration helps a great deal. Thank you!

Attached is a photo of me delivering the 200 packages of Idahoan Instant Potatoes to the Franklin Food Pantry for their Thanksgiving Food Baskets for the needy in the area. 
This was only possible through the generosity of donors to this ministry.
The Franklin Food Pantry received the potatoes
The Franklin Food Pantry received the potatoes

Pax et Bonum
Peace & All God's Goodness be with you

Rev. Fr. Bob Johnnene OFD

Mission Saints Sergius & Bacchus
Divine Mercy Old Catholic Parish
Independent Catholic Church of the Americas
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